1. Model and SerialNumber
Plate. Located on right side of
oven frame just below cooking
2. Surface Unit Controls.
Push in
to set.
3. “ON” IndicatorLightfor Sur-
face Units. Light comes on
when any surface unit is on.
4. Oven Set ControL
5, Oven Ternp ControL
6. Oven CyclingLight.
7. Automatic(MenTimerClock
and Minute ‘1’imer.
IMaybe removed when cleaning
under unit.
9. One-Piece ChromeTrimRings
and Drip Pans or Separate
ChromeTrimRings and Porce-
lain Drip Pans.
10. Oven VentDuct. Lift right rear
surface unit and/ or pan to
clean. Excess oven heat is
vented through opening.
11. Oven InteriorLight. Comes on
automatically when door is
12. OvtmLightSwitch.
13. Broil Unit.
14. Bake Unit. May be lifted gently
for wiping oven floor.
15. Oven Shelves.
16. Oven Shelf Supports. Letters A,
B, C, & D indicate cooking
positions for shelvesas recom-
mended on cooking charts.
17. BroilerPan and Rack.
18. Storage Drawer.
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*“G” in model number indicates
Black Glass Door.