06 Apr 2000 PREFACE
Any example programs and program segments in this manual or provided on accompanying diskettes are
included solely for illustrative purposes. Due to the many variables and requirements associated with any
particular installation, GE Fanuc cannot assume responsibility or liability for actual use based on the
examples and diagrams. It is the sole responsibility of the system designer utilising the Operator Station
to appropriately design the end system, to appropriately integrate the Operator Station and to make
safety provisions for the end equipment as is usual and customary in industrial applications as defined in
any codes or standards which apply.
NOTE: The programming examples shown in this manual are illustrative
only. Proper machine operation is the sole responsibility of the system
Manufacturer's Name: Horner Ireland Ltd.
Manufacturer's Address: Unit 1, Centrepoint, Centre Park Road, Cork, Ireland
Declares that the products Models: HE500TIU050, HE500TIU100, IC300TIU101, HE500TIU102,
HE500TIU110, IC300TIU111, HE500TIU200, IC300TIU201 and
Conforms to the following EMC standards:
EMC: EN 55 022, Radiated and Conducted Emissions
EN 50 082-1, RF, EFT/EFB, ESD Immunity
Supplementary Information:
The above conformity only relates to the products in a stand-alone capacity. The products are used as
part of a system and are therefore classified as a component. As a component, the products are
prohibited by EC regulations to carry a CE Mark for EMC conformity. Static discharge tests only apply to
normal operation of the keyboards via the front panel. We would stress that the use of our products
within your system, while helping to ensure compliance of your system to the same directives, do not
necessarily guarantee that compliance will be achieved. We would also like to point out that the
interpretation of the law concerning CE marking and its application to sub-assemblies and components is
open to interpretation.
Date: 31 Mar 1999