Proper Use of Detergent
Use only dctcrgcnt spccifica[ly madc Ibr
in dishwashcrs. Kccp
your dctergen t fi-csh and dry. Don’l put powder detergent into the
50fi, With hard water, yoga need exU’a detergent. With soft
water, you need less dete gent
Prr)tect your dishes mid dishwasher by contacling your water
depmlment and ,’~sking how hat’d your water is. Twelve or more
ga-ain s is extremely hm’d water. A water snftener is recommended.
Without il. lime can huild up in Ihe water wdve, which could slick
while open mid cruise flooding. Too much dete~genl with soft water
cm~ cause a pem~anen t cloudinms ofgqasswm-e, callcd
You’ll lind two detergent dispensers orl tile
Bc sure the Dial is at 0gFposition beRaTe
adding detergent, Othen~4se, the detergent
cup will not dose and latch properly. Add
detergent then close the main cup.
To open detergent cup aftra" it has
heen dosed, simply mm the delevgenl cup
h~adle cotmte~=clockwise until it releases. A
snapping sound may be heard.
Forget to Add a Dish?
A forgotten dish can be added any time hefore the main wash.
~i Push the door latch to the letL
!~,~A dd tbrgottcn dishes.