(on some models
(on some models
28.41(7.5gal.),35 min,
Thiscycle isfor everyday dishesand glassware.
28.41(7.5gal.),35 min.
Thiscycle isfor lightly soiledchina and crystal.
28.41(7.5gaL),35 min.
Thiscycle isspecifically designedfor glasses.
9.51(2.5gal.),10 min.
For rinsingpartial loadsthat will be washed later Donot usedetergent with this cycle.
NOTE:TheCHINA (somemodels)selectoris a toggle pad;toggle the pad until the desiredcycleis indicated.
NOTE:Thisdishwasherisequipped with a Cleongensor"with automatic temperature control,therefore,cgcle
length and time mog varg dependingon soil and temperature conditions.
NOTE:Onlg theAnti-Bacteriacgcle hasbeen designedto meet therequirementsof Section6,NSF184 for soil
removal and sanitization effioocg.
D Options
The light above the selected pad will be ON to indicate which OPTION has been selected,
PREWASH For use with heavily soiled and/or dried-on, baked-on soils.This option MUSTbe
(on some models) selected PRIORto starting the cycle, This option adds 16 minutes to the cycle time,
NOTE:Cannot be selected with RINSEONLYcycle,
HEAT DRY Shuts off the drying heat option. Dishes air dry naturally and energy is saved. For
Light OFF faster air dry, you can prop the door open after the CLEAN light illuminates.
HEAT DRY Turns the heater on for fast drying. This will extend the time to your wash cycle by 8
Light ON minutes for the SPEEDCYCLEand 30 minutes for all other cycles. NOTE:Cannot be
selected with RINSEONLYcycle.
Youcon tack the controls to prevent ang selections from being mode. Or gou con tack
the controls after gou hove started a cgcle.
Children cannot accidentallg start dishwasher bbltouching pods with this option
To unlock the dishwasher controls, touch and hold the HEATDRYpad for 3 seconds.
Thelight abovethe LOCKpad will turn off.To lock the dishwasher, touch and hold the
HEATDRYpad for 3 seconds. The light above the LOCKpad will turn on.
ADDED HEAT or When selected, the cycle will run longer with heating elements on to improve both
EXTRAHOTWASH wash and dry performance, NOTE: Cannot be selected with RINSE ONLY cycle.
(on some models)
You can delay the start of a wash cycle for up to 9 hours. Touch the DELAYpad to
choose the number of hours you want to delay the start of the cycle; then touch
START/RESET.The machine will count down and start automatically at the correct time.
Touching START/RESETclsecond time will cancel the DELAYSTARTselection. NOTE:
If you forget to fully closethe door,a reminder signal will beep until you do so.
To change a cycle after washing starts, touch the START/RESETpad to cancel the
cycle. The START/RESETlight will flash while the water is pumped out if needed. This
takes approximately 90 seconds. When the light stops flashing, the dishwasher
can be reprogrammed and restarted.