Send Voicemail to a Contact
1. From the idle screen, press to enter the main menu.
2. Press to select Contacts.
3. Use or to find a contact, and select the contact byto find a contact, and select the contact by
pressing .
4. Press andand to selectto select Send voicemail.
NOTE: If contact does not subscribe to Skype
voicemail service you will not be able to send
View Contact’s Skype Profile
1. From the idle screen, press to enter the main menu.
2. Press to select Contacts.
3. Use or to find a contact, and select the contact byto find a contact, and select the contact by
pressing .
4. Press andand to selectto select View profile.
Advanced Contact Menu
Rename a Contact
You can change the name of a contact.
If a contact has a Skype user name that is not very informative,
you can give them a more distinctive name to be shown on your
contact list.
1. From theFrom the idle screen, presspress to enter the main menu.to enter the main menu.
2. Press to selectto select Contacts.
3. Press or to find a contact, and select the contact byto find a contact, and select the contact by
pressing .
4. Press andand to selectto select Advanced.
5. Press to selectto select Rename.
6. Enter the desired new name using the keypad.
Remove a Contact
You can remove a contact. Your options are:
Remove and block: Remove and block a contact. Please note
that this option only applies for Skype contacts.