Milleniumâ„¢ RO System by GE Osmonics
14693e – 31 Mar 03 1 - 8 General Information
Product Water Pressure:
Product Water Pressure is read on a 0 to 100 PSI gauge on the front panel. Product
pressures will register only when the product is back pressured (product hose
removed from fitting or connected to dialysis unit).
Product Recirculation Check Valve:
Prevents over-pressuring of the product supply. When the product pressure exceeds
the set point of the pressure regulator, the product recirculation check valve opens.
Excess product water is then recirculated back to the inlet water flow.
Product Water Sensor:
The Product Water Sensor is used in conjunction with the inlet water sensor by the
percent-rejection circuitry to calculate the membrane rejection rate. The rate of
rejection is displayed from 70% - 99% in a 5 LED array on the front panel.
Product Check Valve:
The Product Check Valve is used to prevent anything from flowing backward into
the product side of the RO membranes.
Back-flow pressure into the product line can cause damage to the membranes.
Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Sensor:
Samples the product water quality via the sensor probe, and the final quality of the
product water is indicated on a digital display on the front panel as TDS in mg/L
and ppm. The monitor is temperature compensated to adjust the display value to
changing water temperature.
Disinfect Inlet Port:
The Disinfect Inlet Port is a quick-disconnect valve that allows access to the inlet
water side of the pump. The port is used when cleaners or disinfectants are
introduced to the RO. The valve can also be used to obtain feed water samples for
testing feed water for chlorine/chloramine, pH and hardness levels.
Water from this port is NOT RO product water and should not be used for dialysis
Disinfect Switch:
The Disinfect Switch is used to introduce disinfectants and cleaners into the RO.
For safety, this switch must be held continuously to operate.
When drawing disinfectants or cleaning solutions, do not allow the RO to draw air.
This may cause irreparable damage to the RO pump.