
Vertical Drilling Motor, Type GE752, GEK–91584D
Motor Model Differences Superseded By
752UP1 This is a shunt motor with the following distinctions:
– Has internal greasing tubes for both drive end (pinion end)
and commutator–end bearings
– Has a double–ended shaft.
752UP2 Same as UP1 except:
– Has armored cable
– Has no grease tubes at commutator end
Motor Model Differences Superseded By
752UP3 Same as UP2 except:
– Has a single grease tube at drive end which is part of the
framehead/bearing assembly for ease of armature
752UP3A Same as UP3 except:
– Has class H Kapton wrapped exciting coils
752UP4 Same as UP3A except:
– Has an ABS certified shaft.
752UP5 Same as UP3A except:
– Has a thermal sensor embedded in each of its exciting and
commutating coils.
752UP6 Same as UP3A except:
– Has an improved commutator–end bearing assembly and an
ABS–certified armature shaft.
752US1 This is a shunt motor with the following distinctions:
– Same as UP3 except:
– Has an AG type armature with an AF commutator and
a standard AUP flash ring.
– Has AG type commutating coils and poles with brazed
instead of bolted connections.
– Has air vents in the drive–end framehead
– Has a frame specially machined for mounting the
customer gearbox at the drive end.
– Has a different drive–end grease arrangement.
– Has rubber hardtop brushes instead of regular duplex
752US2 Same as US1 except:
– Has an improved commutator–end bearing assembly and an
ABS–certified armature shaft.
752AUP1 This is a series motor with the following distinctions:
– Has internal greasing tubes for both drive end and
commutator–end bearings
– Has a double–ended shaft.
752AUP2 Same as AUP1 except:
– Has armored cable
– Has no grease tubes at commutator end
– Mounting feet have dowel holes for vertical mounting.