Chapter 5
MLS data
If you have eKEY Basic service, you can only use the eDATA
application to view messages. Contact your association/MLS if
you would like to change your service level.
The listings delivered to your PDA are defined when you
establish your market area at the KIM website. See Market area
on page 12 of Chapter 1 for more information.
To view listings, select LISTINGS from the eDATA menu. The
Listings Selection screen (Figure 27) displays five options for
viewing listings.
Figure 27. Listing Selection screen
Custom search. The Custom Search option allows you to
view specific listings in your market area. Searchable
fields include: area, price, class, status, number of
bedrooms, and number of bathrooms.
To perform a custom search, select CUSTOM SEARCH
from the Listings Selection menu. In the Custom Search
screen (Figure 28 on page 60), select the fields you wish
to search by, enter the information, then select Search.