About the time features.
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8 9
I StartPause ]
Time Cook
Allows you to microwave for any time up to 99
minutes and 99 seconds.
Power level 20[HIGH)isautomatically set,but
you may change it for more flexibility.
[]Enter cooking time.
[] PressSTARTor change power level.
[] PressSTARTif power setting ischosen.
You mayopen the door during Time Cook
to check the food. Closethe door and
pressSTARTto resume cooking.
i Express Cook 1
1 2 3
4 S 6
Express Cook
Thisisa quick way to setcooking time for1-6
M Pressone of the ExpressCookpads (from
1-6)for 1-6minutes of cooking at power
level 10.
Forexample, pressthe 2 pad for 2 minutes
of cooking time.
countingdown. PressPOWERLEVELand enter
NOTE: ExpressCook function pertoins to
pods I-6 only.
3Add ]
0 SecJ
Add 30 Sec
Itwill add 30 seconds to the time counting
down each time the pad is pressed. Each
touch will add 30 seconds, up to 99 minutes
and 99 seconds.
Theoven will start immediately when pressed.