GlassTray--Use the glass tray only for MICROWAVEcooking, including DEFROST,POPCORN,BEVERAGE,REHEATandEXPRESSmodes.
Black Metal Tray--Use the metaltray only for CONVECTION,COMBINATIONand GRILLmodes.
Rack--The rack should only be usedfor two layer baking in CONVECTIONmode.
CONVECTION/GRILL--Whenpossible, place food directly on blackmetaltray. If necessary, oven-safe Glass,Glass-Ceramicor Metal cookware
may beused. Note: Metal pans are recommended for all types of baked products, but especially where browning is important.
COMBINATION--When possible, place food directly on blackmetal tray. If necessary, oven-safe Glassor Glass-Ceramic cookware may be used.
Do not use Metal cookware or items with metal trim asthey may cause arcing (sparking) and damagethe cookware oroven.
COMBINATION1(Microwave and Convection)--In general, normal recipe cook times should bereduced by30% dueto the addition of
microwave power. Forexample, if the recipe states to cook a roast at 400°Ffor 60 minutes,the cooking time should beset to 42minutes.
Usethis chartas aguide to cookingcommonfoods, Referto the Owner's Manual for moredetails.
GRIU. 1 (Uses both the Top and Bottom Heaters)
Boneless Chicken Breasts 2large (6-7 oz.each) 20min. Sprinkle with seasoning. Turn over after 13rain.
Boneless Pork Chops 2(4-5 oz. each) 16min. Sprinkle with seasoning. Turn over after 8 rain.
Rib EyeSteaks (Medium) 2 (3/4"thick) 15min. Sprinkle with seasoning. Turn over after 12rain.
Strip Steaks (Medium) 2(1/2"-3/4" thick) 17rain. Sprinklewith seasoning. Turn over after 12min.
Filet Mignon (Medium) 2(1-1W' thick) 19rain. Sprinklewith seasoning. Turn over after 12min.
Hamburger Patties 2(4 oz.each) 15min. Sprinkle with seasoning. Turn over after 10rain.
Salmon Filets 2(5q} oz. each) 13rain.
Shrimp 1/2lb. 9mm.
Pizza(Frozen),Regular Crust 12"pizza 19rain.
Pizza(Frozen),Rising Crust 12"pizza 25min.
Pizza(Frozen),Deep Dish Singles 2pizzas 20min.
Grilled CheeseSandwich 2sandwiches 10rain. Turnover after 7 min.
GRILL 2 (Usesthe TopHeater OntK)
CheeseSticks (Frozen) 2servings (4 sticks) 11min. Place food in star pattern on tray.
COMBINATION 1 (Usesboth Microwave Power and Convection Heat,)
Baked Potatoes 8-10 oz.each 30min. Preheat ovento 400°F;use default Microwave PL4.
Whole Chicken 3.5-4 Ibs. 55rain. Preheat ovento 375°F;use default Microwave PL4.
COMBINATION 2 (Usesboth Microwave Power and Griii Heaters)
Fish Sticks(Frozen) 2servings (12fish sticks) 5rain. UseMicrowave PL3,Grill 1;place food in star pattern.
Chicken Nuggets (Frozen) 2servings (10nuggets) 3 rain. Use Microwave PL4,Grill 1.
Crinkle-cut Fries(Frozen) 2servings 10min. Use Microwave PL3,Grill 1.
Potato Nuggets (Frozen) 2servings (18nuggets) 8 min. UseMicrowave PL3,Grill 1.
Burritos (Frozen) 2 burritos 9min. Use Microwave PL2,Grill1.
Bagel Bites (Frozen) 8 pieces 4 min. UseMicrowave PL3,Grill 1.
GEConsttmer& I/tdtlstrial
Louisville, Ken#lcky