AK-50 & AKS-50 Draw-Out Breakers
The fourth-wire disconnect for AK-50 and AKS-50
draw-out breakers mounts to the lower back frame,
as shown in Figure 25.
• If the terminal board is already present on the
breaker, just replace the control harness. Main-
tain the following color code: white wire to
common, black wire to the tap.
• If the disconnect must be added, mount it as
shown in Figure 25.
AK-75 & AK-100 Draw-Out Breakers
There are two fourth-wire disconnect designs used
with these breakers. One design is used on breakers
for GE type AKD switchgear, while the other applies
to breakers for GE types AKD-5 and AKD-6
equipment. The only difference is the bracket used
for mounting the disconnect to the breaker. Figures
26 and 27 show these two designs.
The conversion kit contains an assembled, ready-to-
install mounting block and bracket for AKD-5 and
AKD-6 installation, plus an addition bracket only for
type AKD equipment installations. For AKD equip-
ment, remove the bracket from the assembled dis-
connect and replace it with the AKD bracket.
The fourth-wire disconnect for AK-75 and AK-100
draw-out breakers mounts to the lower back frame
as shown in Figure 28.
• If the terminal board is already present on the
breaker, just replace the control harness. Main-
tain the following color code: white wire to
common, black wire to the tap.
• If the disconnect must be added, mount it as
shown in Figure 28.
Figure 25. Fourth-wire disconnect installed on AK-50 & AKS-50
draw-out breakers.
Figure 26. Fourth-wire disconnect assembly for AKD-5 or AKD-6
Figure 27. Fourth-wire disconnect assembly for AKD equipment.