About the controls onthe dehumidifier.
4houror2hour High,Medklm
delayoff andLowfan
indicatorlights indicatorlights
CleantheFilter Continuousoperationon
indicatorlight indicatorlight
4 hour
2 hour
Humidity %
'u m
Conti ous Bucket Full
Clean the Filter indicatorlight
/VOTE'._'_hen the bucket is tull or removed, the
conti'ols cannot be set.
O Power Pad
Press to turn the dehumidifier on and oil
O Filter Timer
After 250 hours of operation, the Cleanthe
Filterindicator light MII gl()_ to remind you to
clean the filtei: Remove the filter and clean it.
Press to turn off the Clean the Filterlight. See
the Care and Cleaning section.
Humidity Set Control Pads
The humidiff level can be set within a range
of 35% RH (Relative Humidity) to 80% RH
(Relative Humidity) in 5% increments or at
COfi)r continuous operation.
/VOTE'.If CO (Continuous) is selected, the
dehumidifier will operate continuously at
its maMm um dehumidification settings if
attached to a hose to drain or until the
bucket is flfll.
For drier ai_; press the • pad and set to
a lower percent vahle (%).
For damper ai_; press the • pad and set
to a higher percent vahle (%).
When you fi_st use the dehumidifie_; set
the humidity control to 45% or 50%. Mlow
at least 24 l_otu_ fi)r the dehumidifier to
achieve the humidity level. If you still have
damper air than desired, set t'he humidiQ'
level to a lower setting or select ContintlOtlS
for maximum dehumidification.
0 Display
Sho_s the set % humidity level _dfile
setting, then shows the actual (+/- 5%
accm'ac)) room % humidity lmel.
Fan Speed Pad
Controls the tim speed.
Press to select either High, Medium or Low
fan speed.
Set the tim control to Highfor maximum
moisture remowfl. When the humidity
has been reduced and quiet operation is
preferred, set the fan control to Medium
or Low.
Delay Off
%hile the dehumidifier is in operation,
press this pad to set it to automatically mrn
off in 2 hom_ or 4 hom_.
(;lows when the bucket is ready to be emptied,
or when the bucket is removed or not replaced
in the proper position.
]f the bucket is fifll or missing tbr more than three
minutes, an alarm will sound filr about l 0 seconds
to remind you to erupt} and replace the bucket.
Auto Shut Off
The Water I,evel Control Switch shuts off' the
dehumidifier when the bucket is fifll, or when
the bucket is removed or not replaced in the
proper position.
Auto Defrost
%l_en fix)st builds up on the evaporator coils,
the compressor will cycle off and the tim will
continue to rtm until the fi'ost disappears.
Power Outage
In the case of a power outage or interruption,
the unit will automatically re-start, in the settings
last used, after the power is restored.