GE Service Protection Plus 'M
GE, a name recognized worldwide %r quality' and dependability, oflers y'ou
Service Protection Plus'_'--comprehensive protection on all y'our appliances--
No Matter What Brand!
Benefits Include:
• Backed by GE
• All brmads covered
• Unfimited service calls
• All parts mad labor costs included
• No out-of-pocket expenses
• No hidden deductibles
• One 800 number to call
We71CoverAny Appliance.
Anywhere. Anytime.*
You will be completely satisfied with our service protection or you ma} request ,your inone,_ back
on the remaining value of 3our contract. No questions asked. It's that simple.
Protect yore" reffigerat(m dishwasher; washer and dryer; range, TV, VCR and much more--rely brand!
Plus there's no extra charge tot eulergency ser;'ice and low inonthly financing is available. Even icelnaker
coverage and tood spoilage protection is ottered. You can rest eas> knowing that all your valuable
household products are protected against expensive repairs.
Place your confidence in (;E and call us in the IU.S. toll-free at _tllt._Z_.ZZZ_
foY UlOI'e inloi'u/ation.
"*Allbrands cmered, up to 2(}years old. in the contin< nlal I_.S.
_.. (2."._22..............
Please place in envelope and mail to:
General Electric Company
Warranty Registration Department
EO. Box 32150
Louisville, KY 40232-2150