control and the highest Power Level is 10 which is
represented by “O”. When setting a 2 digit Cook
Code control entry, the first is time, the second is
Cook CodeTMcontrol gives a short-cut way for
entering time and the Power Level on your micro-
wave oven. Be sure to check your Cookbook for
specific codes for specific recipes.
To understand the Cook Code control, it is impor-
tant to know what the numbers mean and what the
sequence is. The first and second numbers, if set-
ting a 3 digit code, indicate the amount of time you
desire; the last control entry number is always the
PowerLevel,Forexample, 125means12minutesat
Power Level 5. NOTE:Your oven can only be pro-
grammed to 99m~nuteswhen using the Cook Code
power level. -
Step t: Touch COOK CODE Pad. “Enter Cook
Code” flashes on readout.
Step2: Enter the proper code into Cook Code con-
trol. For example, a recipe calling for 12
cooking time at Power Level10would be 120.Code
number appearsand “START” flashes immediately
after entering a 3-digit code, but when a 2-digit
code is used, there is a delay before “START”
flashes, J
Stop 3: Touch START, “Cook Time Left, time
counting down and Power 10” show on display,
The Defrost setting is designedfor
even thawing necessary for large
amounts of food and is one of the
most important advantages of a
microwave oven, making defrost-
inrt fit Iin & am~ aamtf tAli*k+ 1;+41- ***--
_ q“twn M, -w wG3uy VVIKI I ll\tl G QLSGI 1-
PowerLevel3 is automatically
set for defrosting, but you may
changethis for more flexibility. See
your Cookbook for fhe complete
defrosting chart.
To become better acquainted with
your Defrost function, defrost fro-
zen pork chops by following the
Step 1: Place package of frozen
chops in the oven and close door.
Step 2: Touch DEFROST.Display
reads :0 and Power 3. “Enter Def
Time” flashes,
Step3: Touch 8,0, and Ofor 8 min-
utes. “Def Time”, 8:00 and Power
3 are displayed,
A. ~-. r-$- *TA m- ~~~ – ~ *’ --
tu qJ =?.
i VUurl G2 1Mm
I . mi I Ime
Left’” shows and time counts down
on display, When cycle is com-
pleted, “END” flashes, the oven
signals and automatically shuts
Step5: Turn package over, close
door and repeatSteps2,3 and4,
Step& When oven signals, *’END”
flashes and oven shuts off, Re=
movepackageand separatechops
to finish defrosting,
@Foods frozen in paper or plastic
can be defrosted in the package.
@Forevendefrosting, many foods
need to be turned over, rotated, or
broken up part of the way through
the defrosting time,
@Homemadedinners can be fro-
zen in shallowfoil trays and heated
for later use, Select_foods which
o Pre-packaged frozen dinners
can be defrosted and microwave
@Check your Cookbook for other
defrosting tips,
Cl.When I
press START, I hear a
dull thumping noise.
What is it?
A. This sound is normal. It is letting
know the oven is using a
PowerLevellower than HIGH,
Q. Can I Defrost small items in a
A. Yes,but they will need more fre-
quent attention than usual. Raise
“-,: Power Level after entering the
‘- by touching POWER LEVEL
- and 7 or 10,PowerLevel 7 cuts the
time in !+; Power Level 10cuts the
time to ‘x~.During either, rotate or
stir food frequently,
Q. Can I ofxzmthe door during DE-
FROST to check on the progress
of my food?
A. Yes,You may open the door at
any time during microwaving, To
resume defrosting, close the door
and pressSTART,
Q. Why don’t {he defrosting times
the Cookbook seem right for my
A. Cookbook times are average,
Defrostingtime can varyaccording
to the temperature in your freezer,
Set your oven for the time in”
dicated in your Cookbook. If your
is still not completely thawed
at the end of that time, re-setyour
oven and adjust the time ac-
Q.When I enter the fourth digit us-
ing Cook Code control, nothing
happens,What went wrong?
A. The oven will take only 2 or 3
numbers. If more are pressed,
oven does not respond, Touch
Clear/Off and beginagain,
Q. Can I select a PowerLevelother
than automatic Power Level 3 for
A, Yes.Somesmallerfoods may be
defrosted quicker on higher Power
Levels but for even, carefree de-
frosting, Power Levd 3 is sug-
gested. Check the chart in the
Cookbook for specific times and