Power Connection for 4100
and 6100 Series Zoneline
All 4100 and 6100 Series Zoneline units are equipped with
universal heaters allowing chassis installation flexibility. The
Zoneline units are connected to the building power supply
by a unique power connection kit. By utilizing a separate
universal power connection (UPC) kit, each unit is capable of
providing various outputs of electric resistance heat to more
closely meet the heating requirements of the particular room,
thereby increasing the installation flexibility of the particular
chassis. This power connection kit is the only means of
supplying power to the Zoneline chassis. The appropriate
kit is determined by the voltage, the means of electrical
connection, either line-cord connected or permanently
connected, and the desired resistance heat output that may
be supported by the branch circuit.
230/208-Volt Line-Cord Connected Units
Line Cord Kits consist of a self-aligning nine-pin molded
connector that plugs into a mating connector on the Zoneline
chassis and insulated line cord with an electrical plug on
the end. The configuration of the electrical plug conforms
to NEC standards for the circuit amperage and the position
of the wires in the nine-pin connector determines the heater
wattage and current requirements when it is plugged into
the Zoneline chassis.
The power connection kit is selected by the amperage of
the circuit where it will be installed. Each line cord kit has an
integral Leakage Current Detection and Interruption (LCDI) or
Arc Fault Current Interrupter (AFCI) device as required by the
National Electrical Code (NEC) and Underwriters Laboratory
(UL) for line-cord connected air conditioners manufactured
on or after August 1, 2004. The line-cord power connection
kits are shown in the table below.
230/208-Volt Line-Cord Connected Units
Line Cord
Min. Circuit
RAK3153A 8150/7900 2400/2320 11.0/11.6 15
RAK3203A 11200/10900 3300/3200 15.1/16.0 20
RAK3303A 16000/15450 4700/4530 21.2/22.4 30
Electric Heat Amps include electric heater and fan motor current draw.
230/208-Volt Permanently Connected Units
Permanently connected units do not require the LCDI or AFCI
device. Permanent connection is usually made through the
use of a sub-base. Each 230/208-volt sub-base consists of
a sub-base with appropriate receptacle for minimum circuit
amperage, a chaseway to route power connector from the
sub-base to the chassis, wiring to connect the sub-base
to building wiring and a short line cord with a self-aligning
nine-pin connector to connect to chassis and plug into the
receptacle in the sub-base. Permanent, or direct-wired,
installation of a 230/208-volt unit requires a junction box kit,
RAK4002A, which attaches to the chassis to form an enclosed
junction box.
The short sub-base line cord may not be used without the
For 4100 and 6100 Series 230/208-volt units where a
permanent installation using flexible conduit is desired, the
RAK4002A forms an enclosed junction box on the chassis.
The RAK4002A has a 7/8"-diameter hole to allow conduit to
be connected to the junction box. For direct connection,
purchase and install the appropriate Universal Power Supply
Kit (also referred to as the Direct Connection Kit below) that
matches the ampacity of the building circuit connected to
the unit. This nine-pin connector with three 7"-long conductor
wires is used for direct connections to the building wiring
inside a direct-connect junction box. These wires are then
connected to the building wiring by field-supplied connectors.
Electric Heat Amps include electric heater and fan motor current draw.
Each 265-volt sub-base kit consists of a sub-base with appropriate receptacle for minimum circuit
amperage, a chaseway to route the power connector from the sub-base to the chassis and wiring
to connect the sub-base to the building wiring.
The 265-volt power connection kit must be ordered separately.
All wiring must conform to local electrical regulations
and codes.
265 Volt Sub-Base and Direct-Connected Units
Electric Heat
Electric Heater
Electric Heat
Min. Circuit
RAK3153A 8150 2400 9.6 15
RAK3203A 11550 3400 13.3 20
RAK3303A 16350 4800 18.6 30
230/208 Volt Sub-Base and Direct-Connected Units
Min. Circuit
RAK204D15P RAK4157 8150/7900 2400/2320 11.0/11.6 15
RAK204D20P RAK4207 11200/10900 3300/3200 15.1/16.0 20
RAK204D30P RAK4307 16000/15450 4700/4530 21.2/22.4 30
Electric Heat Amps include electric heater and fan motor current draw.
265- or 277-Volt Unit Installation — Permanently
Connected Units
National Electric Code (Article 440.60) requires permanent
connection for units connected to power sources over 250
volts; therefore these units must be permanently connected
(direct-wired) with field-supplied connectors. Units connected
using a sub-base meet the requirement for permanent
connection since all wiring is internal wiring between the
sub-base and the chassis.
Since 265-volt units may not be line-cord connected, an LCDI
device is not required.