When storing a number, a momentary delay may be needed
in the dialing sequence for a stored telephone number. This
is generally used when a “PAUSE” is needed to wait for a
dial tone (e.g. after dialing a long distance access number).
The RED/AL button should be pressed at the point where a
pause is needed in the dialing sequence. During storage,
pushing the RED/AL button sewes to store a pause in the
dialing sequence as often as needed.
Note: The RED/AL key will place a pause in the dialing
sequence anXime it is pressed afier dialing a number. When
storing PAUSE in MEMORY, each PAUSE counts as one
stored digit.
Example: 123 REDIAL 456-769-0123
Memory and Redial may require the use of a “PAUSE”
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when initiallydialing or storingoutside numbers.
The ●
sequence, then, for dialing or storing an outside number
would be, for example: 9 REDIAL 1234567
How to CbW a Storsd Numbr
Repeat the storage sequence. The new number will replam the
old number at the memory Iocaton.
How to mar a Stoti Nu-r
Repeat the storage sequence. Skip step 3 in the sequence fi.e.
do not enter a telephone number). The storage location till be
blank when sequence is completed.
HW to titian EM Wife Storing
simp~ hang up end repeat the procedure for storing from the
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