74 Using the Control Panel
Reset Menu
This menu lets you cancel printing and reset the printer settings.
LCD Contrast 0 to 15 Adjusts the contrast of the LCD screen. Use
the u and d buttons or the numeric keypad to
set the contrast between 0 (lowest contrast)
and 15 (highest contrast.)
Time Setting
(CX11NF only)
MM/DD/YY, HH/MM Specifies the date and time used in fax
communications. The letters MM, DD, YY,
HH, and MM indicate the Month, Date, Year,
Hour, and Minute respectively. To specify the
date and time use the u and d buttons, or
numeric keypad.
Date Format
(CX11NF only)
Specifies the display format for the Time
Setting. The letters DD, MM, and YY indicate
the Date, Month, and Year respectively.
Item Description
Clear Warning Clears every warning message, except for consumable
products or mandatory-replacement parts.
Clear All Warnings Clears all warning messages that appear on the LCD screen.
Reset Stops printing and clears the current job. You may want to
reset when there is a problem with a print job and you cannot
Restart Unit Restarts the printer.
Factory Settings Restores the printer settings to their original factory settings.
Change toner C/M/Y/K Moves the selected toner cartridge into position so that it can
be replaced. See page 83.
Reset Fuser Counter Resets the fuser unit service life counter after you have
replaced the fuser unit.
Item Settings Description