
Garmin-Asus A10 Owner’s Manual 123
add points to 51
add stops 51
all turns in 45
details 45
editing 51, 52
home 36
navigate saved
route 52
next turn 45
plan 51–52
starting driving
route 44
starting walking
route 48
stop 50, 51
to a Ciao friend’s
location 63
to a contact 28
to a found location 31
to a friend’s
location 63
to a location 31
to a movie 88
to an appointment 81
to an upcoming
event 38, 88
to a photograph
location 78
to your home 36
to your parking spot 35
turn list 45
view on map 45
safe mode 99
safety cameras 101,
saved locations 32
saving location to
Favorites 32
saving your current
location 32
brightness 96
lock 15
orient 12
rotate 12
screenshot 97
timeout 97
use the touchscreen 13
searching for locations 30
address 36
changing the search
area 32
favorites 32
item on the map 42
navigate to a
contact 28
points of interest 30
recently found 37
spell name 30
security settings 106–107,
e-mail 58
found location 34
SMS 53
text 53
your location 54
setting picture as
contact icon 26, 77
wallpaper 77
settings 95–110