Error messages (con’t from previous page)
Error Message Meaning Remedy
BATTERY ALM! Voltage of battery in processor
unit is low.
Have battery replaced at
earliest convenience.
DATA ERR! GPS data (from the GPS receiver
in the processor unit) is lost for
one minute. Heading output is
stopped and the heading
indication shows “- - -“.
Check navigator.
DGPS ERROR! DGPS data (from external DGPS
receiver) is lost for one minute.
Ship may not be within DPGS
service area.
GPS DATA ERROR! GPS data (from internal GPS
receiver) is lost for one minute.
Heading output is stopped and the
heading indication shows “- - -“.
Conduct diagnostic test1 and
check if NG appears for results
for GPS receivers GPS1, GPS2
and GPS3.
GPS NO FIX! No GPS data. Check antenna cable.
HDG ERROR! Heading error Request service.
NO HEADING OUTPUT! GPS heading error continues for
five minutes. In this case heading
output is stopped and the heading
indication shows “- - -“.
Press any key to try to restore
normal operation.
RAM ERROR! RAM problem Request service.
RATE ERROR! Data output stopped. Request service.
RATE ERROR(YAW)! Yaw sensor problem Request service.
RATE ERROR(ROLL)! Roll sensor problem Request service.
RATE ERROR(PITCH)! Pitch sensor problem Request service.
COMMUNICATION ERR! Communication between display
unit and processor has been
Request service.
WAAS ERROR WAAS data lost for one minute. Request service.
ROM ERROR! ROM problem Request service.