
however, player A adds the Phase 7 score to his/her score, and gets
another turn, to try and make Phase 8, and so on, until player A
finally fails to make the next Phase, or finishes Phase 10.
THE WINNER: When each player’s score is final, the player with the
highest Grand Total is the winner.
SOLITAIRE PLAY: You can play solitaire, and see how high a score
you can get. All rules remain the same except you must keep track
of each time you fail to make a Phase. At the end of the game, you
must subtract 5 points off of your final score for each failure to make
the Phase. Also, to get your 40 point First Finish Bonus, you must
make Phase 10 on your first try.
HIGHEST POSSIBLE SCORE: The highest possible score is 649.
Please write us at the address below if you make a score over 600
(requires the signature of at least one witness, other than player).
© 2008 Fundex Games, Ltd.
P.O. Box 421309 • Indianapolis, IN 46242
Questions or Comments? Write us at the address above or
call us at 1.800.486.9787 or
email customerservice@fundexgames.com
Phase 10 is a registered trademark of Kenneth Johnson.
Phase 10 Dice created by: Garrett J. Donner and Michael S. Steer