By rotating pixels 45 degrees to form an interwoven layout, the Super CCD's pixel
pitch in the horizontal and vertical directions is narrower than in the diagonal direction,
achieving higher horizontal and vertical resolution.
Super CCD chip Octagonal pixel-interwoven layout
Super CCD chip affords up to 6.3 million pixels
High-grade performance in a compact body
Equipped with a newly designed large-aperture F0.85 lens
LAS-3000mini Image Reader running on a PC can be used to specify image capture
parameters. You can specify image capture parameters, such as the exposure method,
exposure time, sensitivity, resolution, etc., according to instructions given on the screen.
You can specify the settings of the detection method and diaphragm in accordance with
the recommendations on the screen of Method / Tray position. Manual setting is not
needed for any of the image corrections required for quantitative analysis, which is
carried out automatically.
Screen of Method/Tray position Screen of Exposure Increment
Compact, but packed with Proprietary
A digital system dispensing with dark rooms, films, and chemicals
High-quality images resulting from high sensitivity and smoothing function
Reduced exposure time due to multiple binning modes
Easy operation improved by Image Reader software
Equipped with a high-quality,
cooled CCD camera and a compact
image-analysis system
The analyzer incorporates a FUJINON, a
strikingly bright lens with an F-number of
0.85. This lens has been especially de-
signed to make full use of the advantages
of Fujifilm's proprietary Super CCD chip,
and is excellent for capturing images from
distances as short as several tens of cen-
timeters. In its design, optical expertise
developed through professional applica-
tions such as broadcasting TV cameras is
fully exploited.
The same grade of camera and lens as in LAS-3000, the highest-grade model of
the LAS series, are used. By limiting the applications to the specific areas of
chemiluminescence and bioluminescence, a compact body is made possible while
still retaining the high resolution and high performance of LAS-3000. Free from the
necessity for dark rooms and chemicals, the analyzer can be placed on the top or
side of an ordinary desk, and requires no special expertise for operation.