
5. If the burner manifold pressure does not meet the specifications in the tables in Step 4, unscrew
the slotted cap from the top of the gas valve regulator (adjacent to the gas valve vent tube) and
turn the adjusting screw to obtain the correct pressure. Turn the screw clockwise to increase
pressure, counter-clockwise to decrease pressure.
6. After adjusting the manifold pressure to the correct value, reinstall the regulator cap and turn the
gas valve knob to the OFF position.
7. Remove the manometer or pressure gauge fitting from the pressure tap hole and reinstall the pipe
8. Place the gas valve in the PILOT position and check for gas leaks. If no leaks are found, re-light
the pilot and return the unit to operation.
4.4 Operator Troubleshooting
The tables that follow provide operators with a list of possible malfunctions, the probable causes of
the malfunctions, and the corrective actions to take to correct the problem.
In some cases the operator may not be able to correct the problem, but will at least be able to
accurately diagnose the problem, and that will assist a qualified service technician in restoring the
equipment to full operation in the shortest possible time.