the unit exceeds that temperature, the burner will stay on until the setpoint is reached. Check the
reading when the burner has been on continuously for at least one minute.
6.6 Replacing Components
6.6.1 Replacing the Controller or Controller Wiring Harness
Refer to Chapter 5, Section 5.3 for this procedure.
6.6.2 Replacing the Temperature Probe
1. Unplug the rethermalizer and drain the cookpot.
2. Remove the screws from the upper corners of the timer panel and swing the panel open from the
top, allowing it to rest on its hinge tabs. Cut the probe leads off at the rear of the probe. NOTE:
Once the probe leads have been cut, the probe cannot be reused. Work the Tinnerman retaining
clip rearward off the probe.
3. Remove the two screws securing the probe cover to the probe block and remove the cover. Slip
the failed probe out of the block from the cookpot side and replace with a new probe. Carefully
remove the Tinnerman retaining clip from the replacement probe to allow the leads and short end
of the probe to be inserted through the probe block from cookpot side. When the replacement
probe has been inserted, work the retaining clip onto the probe until the probe is held securely in
place. Reinstall the probe cover and timer panel.
4. Remove the screws from the upper corners of the control panel and swing the panel open from
the top, allowing it to rest on its hinge tabs. Remove the two upper screws securing the compo-
nent box to the rethermalizer. Rotate the box forward and outward to expose the 12-pin connec-
tor on the rear of the interface board.
5. Unplug the 12-pin connector from the interface board. Using a pin pusher, remove the cut off
pieces of wire from the connector one at a time, and insert the corresponding wire from the new
6. Reattach the 12-pin connector to the interface board, rotate the component box back into posi-
tion, and replace and tighten the mounting screws. Close the control panel and replace the
screws in each upper corner.
6.6.3 Replacing the Interface Board
1. Unplug the rethermalizer and drain the cookpot.
2. Remove the screws from the upper corners of the control panel and swing the panel open from
the top, allowing it to rest on its hinge tabs.
3. Detach the grounding wire from the controller, unplug the 15-pin connector from the interface
board, and remove the control panel from the unit by lifting it up and out of the hinge slots in the
control panel frame.