1.4.5 How the Basket Lift System Works
When the start switch is pressed to start the cooking cycle, logic circuits in the controller activate the
basket lift motors, lowering the basket into the cookpot. As the motors drive the basket lift arms
down, a cam attached to the left motor (when viewed from the rear) eventually loses contact with a
roller-activated microswitch and power to the motors is cut. When the controller times out, logic
circuits reverse the switch positions so that the motor circuit is again completed and the motors are
restarted, raising the basket from the cookpot. At the fully raised position, the cam again makes con-
tact with the microswitch, cutting power to the motors and stopping the lift in the raised position.
1.4.6 Technician Troubleshooting Guides
Autofill does not add
water when water
level is below the
normal water-level
sensor (the shorter of
the two water-level
A. Water not turned on. A. Turn on Water
B. Failed solenoid, failed computer,
or loose/broken wiring.
Test: Check for at least 22VAC at
Pin 5 of the 24VAC terminal block
and at solenoid end of wire 66C,
and check for ground (0 voltage) at
pin 6 of 15-pin connector.
B. If voltage is present at solenoid
end of wire 66C, and Pin 6 of
15-pin connector is grounded (0
voltage present), check
continuity of wire 50C. If wire
50C is good, replace solenoid.
If voltage is present at solenoid
end of wire 66C and at Pin 6 of
15-pin connector, replace
If voltage is not present at
solenoid end of wire 66C, check
wiring between solenoid and
terminal block for loose
connection or break in the wire.
Autofill does not shut
off when the cookpot
is full.
A. Starch accumulation on the normal
water-level sensor (the shorter of
the two water-level sensors) is
preventing the sensor from
A. Clean the water-level sensors.
NOTE: Do not use deliming solu-
B. Mineral content of water is too low
to provide a ground.
B. Add 1/8
cup of baking soda to
water in cookpot. DO NOT
USE SALT! Doing so will
damage the cookpot.