
1 Side, Left Cabinet, w/Access Openings
911-9324SP Stainless Steel
901-9324SP Enameled
2 Side, Right Cabinet, w/Access Openings
912-9324SP Stainless Steel
902-9324SP Enameled
3 Back w/Access Opening, Filter Cabinet
910-7274SP Stainless Steel
900-7274SP Aluminized Steel
4 Cover, Cabinet Back Access
910-4089 Stainless Steel
900-4089 Aluminized Steel
5 Side, Left Undercounter Cabinet
911-7677SP Stainless Steel
901-7677SP Enameled
6 Side, Right Undercounter Cabinet
912-7677SP Stainless Steel
902-7677SP Enameled
7 Back, Undercounter Cabinet
910-4786 Stainless Steel
900-4786 Aluminized Steel
8 910-7680 Cover, Undercounter Cabinet
9 900-4813SP Brace, Cabinet Top
10 900-4391SP Brace, Cabinet Front
11 900-4785 Brace, Undercounter Cabinet Top and Center
12 806-5317SP Rail Assembly
13 806-4897SP Base Assembly (includes leg pad assembly 806-5209 (see Page 2-13))
14 900-1621 Plate, Rail Mount (located inside lower front edge of Items 1, 2, 5, and 6)
15 910-1601
Leg, Filter Cabinet (use 910-8673 on units with rear casters)
16 810-0007 Leg, Adjustable
17 910-1832 Retainer, Leg Insert, Full Height
18 826-1374 Screw, #10 X ½-inch Hex Washer Head (Pkg. of 25)
19 826-1379 Screw, #10 X ½-inch Philips Truss Head (Pkg. of 10)
20 Cover, 4-inch X 4-inch Access Opening
910-0889 Stainless Steel
900-0889 Enameled
21 Cover, 4-inch X 4-inch Access Opening
910-0890 Stainless Steel
900-0890 Enameled
22 809-0359 Screw, #8 X ¼-inch Hex Washer Head (for access covers)
23 900-7414 Shield, FM Pan
24 900-4175 Mount, Motor
25 826-1362 Nut, ¼-20 Hex (Pkg. of 10)
26 809-0429 Bolt, ¼-20 X 2-inch Hex Head
27 809-0191 Washer, ¼-inch Lock
28 810-0665 Nut, ¼-20 Hex Leveling
29 900-7277 Support, Holding Station Pan
30 806-8274SP Pan Assembly, Holding Station
31 910-7480 Trim, Holding Station