On ESW units and EWBS units without CM III computers, a thermostat located inside the door
maintains the simmer mode temperature. Rocker switches on the control panel turn the power on
and off, control the heat cycle, and add water.
When the Power switch is placed in the ON position, the white power indicator will illuminate. If
the unit is equipped with the AutoFill feature and the water level in the cookpot is below the upper
water level sensor, the cookpot will immediately begin to fill with water. If the Heat Cycle switch is
in the ON or SIMMER position, the heating element will energize as soon as the lower water level
sensor is covered with water. Illumination of the red trouble light at anytime indicates that the high-
limit safety has tripped. If the red trouble light illuminates, place the Power switch in the OFF
position immediately.
When the Heat Cycle switch is placed in the IDLE position, the heating element is de-energized, but
power to the Faucet and Skim switches is maintained. Placing this switch in the SIMMER position
maintains the water at the temperature indicated on the thermostat control dial. The switch is placed
in the BOIL position for cooking product or reheating packaged sauces. A built in low-water safety
feature prevents the heating element from being energized unless the lower water level sensor is
covered with water, regardless of the position in which the switch is placed.
On units with the AutoFill feature, placing the Power switch to the ON position activates the feature,
causing the water solenoid valve to open, adding water to the cookpot until the water level reaches
the upper water level sensor. When the water reaches the upper sensor, the valve closes. As long as
the switch is in the ON position, whenever the water level drops below the upper water level sensor,
water will be automatically added to the cookpot. If the switch is placed in the OFF position, the
AutoFill feature is disabled. On units without AutoFill, the cookpot must be manually filled by
placing the faucet switch in the ON position. The switch must be placed in the OFF position to stop
the water flow.
The Skim switch allows the operator to add water to the cookpot during the cooking cycle. This
causes any accumulation of starch floating on the surface of the water to be washed down the
overflow drain. Water will be added as long as the switch is in the ON position.
Turn the unit off by placing the Heat Cycle switch in the IDLE position and the Power switch in the
OFF position. If shutting down at the end of the day, drain and clean the cookpot, and put the
cookpot covers in place.
3.4 Boiling Out the Cookpot
The cookpot must be boiled out before first use.
1. Close the drain valve and fill the cookpot with a mixture of cold water and 1 cup of detergent.
2. Place the unit into operation. (See Section 3.1.2 for 8SMS, 8BC or 8C units. See Section 3.2.2
for EWBS units.)
3. Press the simmer switch,
on 8SMS, 8BC and 8C units or R
on EWBS units, and allow the
solution to simmer for at least 1 hour.