Cooking Charts
Food Type Serving Size Cooking Time Options/Comments
Boneless Chicken Breasts 2 large (6-7 oz.) 20 min. Sprinkle with seasoning. Turn over after
13 min.
Boneless Pork Chops 2 (4-5 oz.each) 16 min. Sprinkle with seasoning. Turn over after
8 min.
Rib Eye Steaks (Medium) 2 (3/4” thick) 15 min. Sprinkle with seasoning. Turn over after
12 min.
Strip Steaks (Medium) 2 (½-3/4” thick) 17 min. Sprinkle with seasoning. Turn over after
12 min.
Filet Mignon (Medium) 2 (1” thick) 19 min. Sprinkle with seasoning. Turn over after
12 min.
Hamburger 2 (4 oz. each) 15 min. Sprinkle with seasoning. Turn over after
10 min.
Salmon Filets 2 (5-6 oz. each) 13 min.
½ lb.
9 min.
Pizza(Frozen) Regular Crust 12” pizza 19 min.
Pizza(Frozen) Rising Crust 12” pi
zza 2
5 min.
Pizza(Frozen) Deep Dish Singles 2 pizzas 20 min.
Grilled Cheese Singles 2 sandwiches 10 min. Turn over after 7 min.
Grill (Uses Top Heater Only) for Browning
Food Type Serving Size Cooking Time Options/Comments
Cheese Sticks (Frozen) 2 servings (4 sticks) 11 min. Place food in star pattern on
Combination (Uses both Microwave Power and Convection Heat)
Food Type Serving Size Cooking Time Options/Comments
Baked Potatoes 8-10 oz. each 30 min. Preheat oven to 400°F, use
default microwave PL4.
Whole Chicken 3-4 lbs. 55 min. Preheat oven to 375°F., use
default microwave PL4.
Combination (Uses both Microwave Power and Grill Heaters)
Food Type Serving Size Cooking Time Options/Comments
Fish Sticks (Frozen) 2 servings (12 sticks) 5 min. Use microwave PL3, Grill 1;
place food in star pattern.
Chicken Nuggets (Frozen) 2 servings (10 nuggets) 3 min.` Use Microwave PL4, Grill 1
Crinkle-cut Fries 2 servings 10 min. Use Microwave PL3, Grill 1
Potato Nuggets (Frozen) 2 servings (18 nuggets) 8 min. Use Microwave PL3, Grill 1
Burritos (Frozen) 2 burritos 9 min. Use Microwave PL2, Grill 1
Bagel Bites (Frozen) 8 pieces 4 min. Use Microwave PL3, Grill 1
Grill (Uses both Top and Bottom Heaters)