
1) XBO lamps are designed for dc operation only. The dc current may only be varied within the
limits of the current control range. An XBO lamp operates best at rated current; over the life of
the lamp, the current may be increased to its maximum value to compensate for loss of light.
The output of the lamp can be reduced by operating the lamp at minimum current but this does
not prolong the life of the lamp;
2) For safety reasons, XBO lamps should be replaced once they reach the end of their average
lamp life, and not later than 1.25 times their average lamp life. After this time there is an
increased risk of the lamp exploding;
3) The anode (positive cap marked ‘+’) must be on top when the lamp is inserted in the vertical
position. If the anode is incorrectly inserted the arc will be unstable, the bulb will blacken more
quickly and the lamp will prematurely fail;
4) The HT lead from the high voltage terminal of the ignitor, must be connected to the cathode
(negative cap marked ‘-‘). If the lamp is connected with the wrong polarity it will be irreparably
damaged after a very short time.
5) In all circumstances the lamp manufacturers data should be referred to when dealing with
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