ITO – Internetwork Throughput Option
The test allows Ethernet to Ethernet testing of any link. A
link can be wireless, routed, transparent LAN service, or
asymmetric service (such as xDSL or cable modems).
The ITO Throughput test requires both units to have
software version 4.50, or later. Only the local unit must
have the ITO option enabled. Read “Determining and
Installing Software” in the
OneTouch Series II Getting
Started Manual
for more information.
The following are some of the possible ways to use the
Throughput Test:
Test end-to-end WAN/LAN throughput
Test pattern, frame size, or rate sensitivity for
network devices such as modems, FRADS, hubs,
switches, or routers.
Compare your current WAN capacity to a Service
Level Agreement (SLA).
Test or evaluate equipment on the bench
Connecting and configuring the Remote Unit
All you have to do with the remote (ATU-C Central Office
unit for xDSL) Network Assistant is to connect its AC
adapter, connect it to the network, and enter and set its IP
address as described in Chapter 6. Figure 7-5 shows the
connections for xDSL.
Once a valid IP address is set, manually or through
DHCP, the remote unit is designed to remain unattended
and to respond to any local unit’s request to participate in
the testing. The Remote IP Address parameter on the
local unit must be configured with the remote unit’s
source IP address.
Connecting and configuring the Local Unit
At the local (subscriber-end for xDSL) end, connect a
Network Assistant to the desired segment. Figure 7-5
shows a sample connection. For xDSL, connect the
Network Assistant to the Ethernet port on the xDSL
modem. Figure 7-6 shows a sample connection for xDSL.
To configure Network Assistant at the local end,
(Connectivity Tests) from the top-level
display then press
(Internetwork Throughput
Option). If you are using the xDSL option, press
(xDSL Test) from the top-level display then press the
Throughput tab. Enter in the Remote IP field the IP
address of the Local (Subscriber) end in the
Throughput Test Configuration display (Figure 7-4).