Users Manual
To avoid possible fire or electric shock when charging the
battery or powering the test tool with ac power, use only
the ac adapter/charger provided with the test tool.
Never connect the test tool to telephone lines of any type,
including ISDN lines. Doing so can damage the test tool.
• Always turn on the test tool before connecting it to a cable. Turning the test
tool on activates the tool’s input protection circuitry.
• Except when monitoring network activity, never connect the test tool to an
active network. Doing so may disrupt network operation.
• When using a coaxial T-connector to connect the test tool to a network, never
allow the T-connector to touch a conductive surface. Such contact may disrupt
network operation.
• Never attempt to insert any connector other than an RJ45 connector into the
RJ45 jack. Inserting other connectors, such as RJ11 (telephone) connectors,
can permanently damage the jack.
• Never attempt to send data from a PC to the test tool while running a cable
test. Doing so may cause erroneous test results.
• Never operate portable transmitting devices during a cable test. Doing so may
cause erroneous test results.
• Never run tests with cables connected to both test connectors. Doing so may
cause erroneous test results.
• To ensure maximum accuracy of test results, perform the self-calibration
procedure as described in “Calibrating the Test Tool” in Chapter 6.