EXIT – Used to exit from a menu. When EXIT is pressed any changes made to
the displayed value will be ignored.
Control Indicator - The Control Indicator is a two color light emitting diode.
This indicator lets the user visually see the ratio of heating to cooling. When
the indicator is constant red the well is heating, and when it is constant green
the well is cooling. When the indicator is flashing then the temperature is being
held constant.
6.3 Constant Temperature Block Assembly
6.3.1 Constant Temperature Block
The block, Figure 4, is made of aluminum and provides a relatively constant
and accurate temperature environment in which the sensors that are to be cali
brated are inserted. The .75 inch diameter hole in the center of the block may
be used for sensors of that size or sleeved down with various sized probe
sleeves. The block also has 4 smaller holes of various sizes. Attached to the
block are Peltier thermoelectric modules which heat or cool the block to main-
tain a constant temperature. A high-quality platinum RTD is imbedded in the
block to sense the temperature and provide feedback to the temperature control-
Probe Sleeves and Tongs
Probe sleeves of various internal hole sizes are available to allow the user's
probe to fit snugly into the well whatever the diameter of the probe.
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6 Parts and Controls
3/4" O.D. Aluminum Insert
3/16" Well
1/4" Well
1/4" Well
1/8" Well
Figure 4 Well and Insert