5 General Operation
5.1 Setting the Temperature
Section 6.2 explains in detail how to set the temperature set-point on the cali
brator using the front panel keys. The procedure is summarized here.
(1) Press “SET” twice to access the set-point value.
(2) Press “UP” or “DOWN” to change the set-point value.
(3) Press “SET” to program in the new set-point.
(4) Press and hold “EXIT” to return to the temperature display.
When the set-point temperature is changed the controller switches the well
heater on or off to raise or lower the temperature. The displayed well tempera
ture gradually changes until it reaches the set-point temperature. The well re
quires considerable time to reach the set-point depending on the span.
Additional time is required to stabilize within ±0.1°C of the set-point.
5.2 Changing Display Units
This instrument can display temperature in Celsius or Fahrenheit. The tempera-
ture units are shipped from the factory set to Celsius.
1 - Press “SET” three times from the temperature display to show
Un= C
2 - Press “UP” or “DOWN” to change units.
3 - Press “SET” to save the setting or “EXIT” to continue without changing the
5 General Operation
Setting the Temperature