7.1.2 Automatic Transmission of Measurements
The 1504 can be programmed to automatically send measurements to a remote
printer or terminal. The transmission interval is set using the “SA PEr”sample
period parameter. This is set in the Comm menu after the baud rate parameter.
The display will briefly indicate “SA PEr” and then display the current sample
period. The sample period is specified in hours, minutes, and seconds. Setting
the sample period to 0 disables automatic transmission of measurements. Use
the L and R buttons to move between digits. The selected digit will flash.
Use the U and D buttons to increase or decrease the digit. When the sample
period is set as desired press Enter.
The sample period can also be set using the “SA” communications command.
The period can be specified in seconds, in minutes and seconds, or in hours,
minutes, and seconds. For example, SA=15<EOS> causes the 1504 to transmit
measurements at 15-second intervals. SA=10:00<EOS> causes the 1504 to
transmit a measurement every ten minutes. SA=2:00:00<EOS> causes the 1504
to transmit a measurement every two hours. (<EOS> represents the termination
character which is either a linefeed or carriage return).
7.1.3 Time Stamp and System Clock
The 1504 has a built-in system clock that counts hours, minutes, and seconds
while the power is on. The clock can be used to time stamp measurement data
read from the communications interfaces. When the power is switched on the
clock is set to 00:00:00. You can set the clock to show the actual time-of-day.
This can be done within the Comm menu. Press the Menu button (“SEt?”ap-
pears) and then the Comm menu button. The display will briefly show “CLOC”
then the current clock time in hours, minutes, and seconds. The time is repre-
sented in 24-hour format with 00 hours meaning 12:00 a.m. and 23 hours
meaning 11:00 p.m. Use the L and R buttons to move between digits. The
selected digit will flash. Use the U and D buttons to change the digit. Once
the digits are correct, press Enter to accept the new time. If you decide not to
change the time press the Exit button instead.
The clock can also be set using the “CL” communications command:
CL=hh:mm:ss <EOS>.
The time stamp allows you to record the time-of-day with measurements that
are printed or transmitted to a computer. The given time is the value of the sys
tem clock at the time of transmission. An example of time-stamped readings is
shown below.
t: 31.787 F 14:04:40
t: 31.788 F 14:04:50
t: 31.792 F 14:05:00
t: 31.793 F 14:05:10
The time stamp control is also accessed in the Comm menu. Press the Menu
button (“SEt?” appears) and then the Comm menu button. Press Exit to skip
1504 Thermometer Readout
User’s Guide