The greatest improvements are achieved when muscles are warm. Stretches should be slow, steady,
and held for 15 to 30 seconds, then gradually release back to the starting position. Stretch to a point
where tension is felt, not pain. Never bounce or jerk while stretching. The most important feature of
balanced fitness is to be consistent. Begin each workout period by first warming up. Start your warm up
by walking in place or around in the house for 2 to 5 minutes, then perform the stretches suggested
below. This will slowly increase your body temperature and blood flow, so your muscles are more
flexible, thus preventing muscle strain and injuries. The idea is to gradually build up your entire system
for the workout period, then after you workout, gradually return to normal.
Some suggested warm-up exercise are as follows:
With your feet shoulder width apart, slowly twist your upper body right and left.
CALF STRETCH: Lean against a wall or a solid object keeping your body straight. Slowly raise up
and down on the balls or your feet.
SQUATS: From a standing position, balance yourself by holding onto a solid object or the wall. Slowly
squat down until the upper portion of your legs are level with your knees. Return to the standing
Too much... two little... how much is enough?
The key to a healthful program is defining your personal goals and establishing an exercise/nutrition
program that will help you to be successful. At approximately 20 minutes into an aerobic exercise your
body shifts into what is called the ìfat-burning phaseî. During this phase your are able to attack greater
amounts of stored fat. Although it is often neglected, stretching can effectively reduce muscle tension,
help good posture, increase range of motion and improve the loss of movement. It is a good idea to
drink cool water before, during and after your workout.
CAUTION: Immediately after a workout if you are over-heated, do not drink lots of ice cold water. Cool
your body down gradually using cool water. Drinking after a workout replaces the water that you have
lost by sweating during your workout.
If the water is not replaced, it could result in heat exhaustion and/or dehydration. Drinking eight glasses
of water a day is generally recommended. After completing the stretches and warm-up, you are ready
to begin.