Wine mode
The conditions in which wine is stored can have large effects on its overall taste and
aroma. Warmer temperatures can cause premature aging of wines and loss of quality. Cold
temperatures can be just as bad, causing irreversible damage to the flavor. Temperature
fluctuation can also have a negative impact on wine quality. Typical household fluctuations in
temperature from day to night can cause harm to wine over time.
The Wine mode provides an ideal controlled environment for the long and short-term storage of
both red and white wines.
Long-term storage
For long-term storage (longer than one week) of both red and white wines, the ideal
recommended storage temperature is 54°F / 12°C. When Wine mode is selected, the
compartment is automatically set to this ideal, constant temperature, to provide the optimum
conditions for long term storage.
Short-term storage / serving
Wine mode is also ideal for short-term storage (less than one week) of wines. Both red and white
wines require different serving temperatures to ensure an optimum taste experience. White
wines should be served at cooler temperatures (approximately 45°F / 7°C) whereas red wines
are better served at warmer temperatures (approximately 59°F / 15°C). The Wine mode can be
customized to provide these two optimum serving temperatures.
Serving temperature Wine type
45°F / 7°C Suitable for the majority of white wines including
Chardonnay, Sauvignon Blancs, Rieslings, Chenin
Blancs and Pinot Gris. If white wines are served too cold,
the aromas and flavors will be minimized and you won’t
get full enjoyment.
59°F / 15°C Suitable for red wines including Merlot, Bordeaux,
Zinfandel, Cabernet Sauvignon and Syrah/Shiraz. If red
wines are served too warm the alcohol can produce an
unpleasant bite on the palate.
Customizing the storage environment