Choosing a standard setting
The CD player provides several sets of standard settings, called Types, which
confi gure all aspects of the 808 into one of a number of alternative
standard confi gurations.
Types 0 to 3 are factory settings, designed to cater for the most commonly
needed confi gurations of associated equipment.
These standard Types are shown in the following table:
Type Description
0 CD player, variable output, all sources internal.
1 CD Player, fi xed output, all sources internal.
2 Preamplifi er, fi xed output, CD internal, all other sources external (808i only).
3 Preamplifi er as above but variable output (808i only).
In addition, your installer may have provided one or more named User
Types, with settings appropriate to the confi guration of equipment when
your 808 was installed.
You can reset the confi guration of the CD player to any of these Types to
restore it to the state it was in when it was installed. Note: Selecting a Type
will clear any confi guration changes you have made.
To select a standard setting
Warning: this procedure will reset any confi guration changes you
have made.
• Switch off any power amplifi ers that are connected to the 808 and put
any digital speakers into standby.
• Put the CD player into standby by pressing Off (front panel or remote).
• Press and hold down Volume
A (under the front panel).
The display shows:
Type in... 3
• Keep holding down Volume A for a further three seconds.
The display shows:
Type- please wait
Then after a short delay the display shows the current Type.
For example:
Type 1