Matrix Software, cont’d
TPX 88 Matrix Switchers • Matrix Software5-2
Matrix Software
Two software programs accompany the TPX 88 switchers:
• The Extron Matrix Switcher+ Control Program (Extron part #29-015-01),
which communicates with the switcher via the RS-232/RS-422 port, provides
an easy way for you to set up ties and sets of ties.
The TPX switcher can communicate using either the RS-232 or RS-422 serial
communication protocol. The protocol is DIP-switch selectable. See chapter 2,
Installation, to configure the DIP switches.
• The Extron Button-Label Generator, which allows you to design and print
labels for the TPX switcher’s front panel buttons.
Both programs are compatible with Windows 95/98, Windows NT, Windows ME,
and Windows 2000. Updates to these programs can be downloaded from the
Extron Web site (http://www.extron.com).
Matrix Switchers Control Program
Installing the software
The program is contained on a set of 3.5-inch diskettes, and you should load and
run the program from the hard drive.
To install the program from the floppy disk to the hard drive, run Setup.exe from
the floppy disk and follow the instructions that appear on the screen. The program
occupies approximately 1 MB (megabyte) of hard-drive space.
By default, the Windows installation creates a C:\MTRX50 directory, and it places
two icons (MATRIX Switcher+ Control Program and MATRIX Switcher+ Help) into
a group or folder named “Extron Electronics”.
The program was designed to control most Extron matrix switchers, but its
operation is limited to the features and configuration of your TPX switcher.
Using the software
This section is an overview of the Extron Matrix Switcher+ Control Program. The
help function contains additional information. See Using the help system on page 5-7
for details.
1. To run the Matrix Switcher+ Control Program, double-click on the Matrix
Switcher+ Control Program icon (shown at left) in the
Extron Electronics group or folder.
2. Click on the comm port that is connected to the RS-232/RS-422 port of the
switcher. To set up the software without attaching the switcher to the
computer, see Using emulation mode on page 5-7.
The Extron Matrix Switcher+ Control Program window (figure 5-1 and
figure 5-2) displays the current configuration of the attached matrix.
3. To set up audio in follow mode (audio and video have the same tie
configuration), select the Follow box at the bottom of the window. To set up
audio in breakaway mode (audio and video have different tie configurations),
deselect the Follow box.