
Serial Communications, cont’d
TPS150 Switching and Transmission System • Serial Communications4-2
Serial Communications
The transmitter must be programmed with commands to be sent upon input
selection and with projector power on/off commands before those commands will
be sent.
The transmitter can also be configured with several serial port variables to match
the controlling device and the device to be controlled.
You can program and operate the transmitter either by using the ICS100 Windows-
based control program or by sending individual ASCII commands. Both
programming methods require that a null modem serial port cable be connected
between a computer and the transmitter’s RS-232 port.
ICS100 Windows-Based Control Program
The ICS100 Control Program, a graphical control software for Windows, provides a
way to program the transmitter.
System requirements
Operating system
Windows 95 / 98 / ME / NT / 2000 / XP / XP Pro
If you are using Windows NT, Service Pack 6 must be installed.
Hardware — Pentium 150 or faster CPU
Memory — Minimum: 128 MB
Recommended: 256 MB
Screen resolution Minimum: 800 x 600
Recommended: 1024 x 768
Disk space — 5 MB
Installing the software
The control program is contained on a CD-ROM, and must be installed on the hard
1. Click Start > Run.
2. Click the Browse button. An open file window appears.
3. Navigate to the drive or folder that contains the software.
4. Double-click the setup icon.
5. Click OK in the Run window.
6. Click OK in the InlineControl Setup window.
7. Follow the instructions in the setup program to complete the installation.