HSA 400/402 Series • Maintenance and Modifications
Maintenance and Modifications, cont’d
HSA 400/402 Series Surface Access Products
Appendix A
Reference Information
HSA Part Numbers
Included Parts
Routing Templates
Replacement Parts and Accessories
Interface Accessories
Top Plate Dimensions
Adjusting the Top Surface Level
Level the top surface of the HSA as follows:
1. If necessary, in order to view the surface and the underside
of the enclosure simultaneously, remove the surface mount
enclosure from the table. See “Removing and Replacing
the Enclosure”, steps 1 through 8.
2. If necessary, close and latch the top panel.
3. Slightly loosen the two latch locking screws (figure 3-8) on
the underside of the surface mount enclosure. These
screws lock the latch in place once it is adjusted.
Figure 3-8 — Adjust the top surface level
4. Gently turn the adjustment screw on the rear of the surface
mount enclosure to raise or lower the top panel until it is
level with the flange. Turning the screw counterclockwise
raises the panel and turning it clockwise lowers the panel.
5. Tighten the two latch locking screws on the underside of
the surface mount enclosure.
6. If the surface mount enclosure was removed, reinstall it.
See “Removing and Replacing the Enclosure”, steps 11
through 17.