Extron • RGB 202
Series • User’s Manual
Chapter Two
Rear Panel Connections
Computer-Video Inputs 1 and 2
Remote Switch
MBC Power
Audio Input and Output
BNC Outputs
Sync Options
RGB 202
, RGB 202 VTG,
RGB 202 VS2 and RGB 202 VS SL2
User’s Manual
Extron • RGB 202
• User’s Manual
Related Parts and Accessories
Page A-3
Monitor Breakout Cables
Extron MBC “Monitor Breakout Cables” feature monitor
loop-through connector for providing local monitor
viewing. Below is a sample listing of Extron’s most
popular MBC and ICWK cables for use with the
RGB 202xi interface. Because this is only a partial listing,
please call Extron for any assistance to interface a
computer that may not be listed.
Part # Cable Name Hor. kHz Ver. Hz
26-108-03 MBC AMIGA HR 15.7 60
26-198-01 MBC Apollo Mono 64.0 60-76
26-018-02 MBC Apple IIGS 15.7 60
26-064-01 MBC Burroughs Color 22.2 60
26-307-01 MBC Cornerstone DP120 104 60
26-176-01 DEC VR Terminals 54 - 69 60
26-262-01 MBC E/Machine Mono 35.61 68
503-066 MBC IBM 3151 27.2 67.5
26-003-01 MBC IBM 3161/63/91/96 Mono 27.0 64.8
26-148-01 MBC IBM 3162 25.9 54.8
26-043-01 MBC IBM 3164/79/92/97 Color 22.31 60
26-227-01 MBC IBM 3178C 15.4 70
26-043-02 MBC IBM 3192 Mono 36.0 60
26-100-01 MBC IBM 3193C 50.6 80
26-058-01 MBC IBM 3194 14" Display 29.6 73
26-109-01 MBC IBM 3194 Mono 29.0 73
26-009-01 MBC IBM 3270PC 23.6 63
70-009-01 MBC IBM 3472/3477 Infowindow Kit 26.37 60
26-055-01 MBC IBM PC Mono (MDA) 18.1 50
26-010-01 MBC IBM PCC (CGA/EGA) 15.7-22 60
26-005-02 MBC IBM PGA HR 31.5 60
26-117-01 MBC IBM PS/2 (Standard VGA Only) 35 60-70
26-162-01 MBC IBM VGA HR (Super VGA) 31.5-72 60-70
26-224-01 LBC IBM VGA HR (Laptop Cable) 31.5-37 60-70
26-176-01 PowerPC (IBM) 31 - 117 60 - 88
26-162-02 MBC IMAGE Adapter/A 31-61 60 or 70
26-018-02 MBC Mac/Quadra/PowerMac HR 35-68 68
26-251-01 MBC Memorex TELEX 1192 27.5 64.5
26-272-01 MBC NCD 14C/17C-CR/19C-G 56-82 70
70-012-01 MBC NCD 15B/16E/19R 58-82 70
26-220-01 MBC NeXt Buffer, Mono 63.0 68
26-283-01 NeXT Color 63 68
26-270-01 MBC RGB H&V (9 Pin to 5 BNC's) Varies
26-213-01 MBC RGBS (9 Pin to 4 BNC’S) Varies
26-018-01 RasterOps/SuperMac 35 - 64 66
26-198-01 MBC SUN/Apollo Mono 61-90 66-76
26-283-01 MBC Sun Sparc/SGI 61-89 66-70
503-072 ICWK DEC VT 320* 18.0 60
70-004-01 ICWK DEC 340 KIT 31.5 60
70-004-03 ICWK DEC VT 340 31.5 60
503-125 ICWK DEC VT 340 PLUS* 31.5 60
503-120 ICWK DEC VT 420* 37.0 60 or 70
503-071 ICWK HP 700/94* 28.6 60
26-029-01 ICWK IBM 3180 20.0 83
70-006-01 ICWK IBM 3476 28.0 60
70-009-01 IBM 3472/3477 Infowindow kit 26.37 60
26-102-03 ICWK MAC Classic RGB (9 pin) 22.2 60
26-026-01 ICWK MAC RGB (9 pin) 22.2 60
26-102-02 ICWK MAC SE RGB (9 pin) 22.2 60
503-085 ICWK Memorex/TELEX 1191* 27.5 65.7
26-043-03 ICWK Memorex C19A 27.5 62.7
26-096-01 ICWK Wsye 50 23.0 60