RCP 2000 with ISS 506 Support • Ethernet Control
Ethernet Control, cont’d
RCP 2000 with ISS 506 Support • Ethernet Control
File Management screen
2. Click the Browse button. On the Choose File window,
browse to locate the le that you want to upload, and open
it. The le name and the path to it are displayed in the le
name eld on the File Management screen.
3. Click the Upload File button. The selected le name
appears in the Files column on the File Management
screen. (Files are listed separately under headings of their
Adding a directory
To add a directory or folder to the RCP 2000’s le system,
1. Enter the directory name in the Dir: eld, following the
slash (/).
2. Click the Add Dir button.
3. With the directory name displayed, perform the Uploading
les procedure described in the previous section to add a
le to the directory. The directory name appears at the top
of the Files column, preceded by a slash.
To add more files to the directory, click the directory name
to open it, then use the Uploading les procedure. To exit the
directory, click (root).
To add a directory within an existing directory, navigate to
and click on the directory folder to open it, then perform steps 1
through 3, above.
Other file management activities
You can also perform the following tasks on the File
Management screen:
Opening a file — Click on the name of the le in the Files
Deleting a file — Click the Delete button at the right end of the
line that contains the le you want to remove.
Deleting all files — Click the Delete All button.
Viewing by file extension — To display only les of a specic
type that have been uploaded to the RCP, select the le
type that you want to display from the Filter by File
Extension menu. To display all les on the RCP, select All.