IPI 100 Series, IPI 200 Series • Conguration and Control
Manually by IP Address — To use this option, type
the IP address of an intercom-equipped MLC 226 IP
and IPI 201/204 series intercoms into the blank
area to the right of this selection, then click the
Add button. Repeat that process for each intercom
system to add to the Intercom List.
Automatic — To add intercom-enabled MLCs
and IPI 201/204 series intercoms to the list
automatically, select the automatic option and
click the Scan button. The software broadcasts a
message to the network and adds the responding
MLCs and IPI 201/204 series intercoms to the
Intercom List. A scanning progress window
appears during the scan.
B. Add IP addresses of intercom-enabled MLCs and
IPI 201/204 series intercoms to the list.
• For manual entry, enter an MLC’s or IPI 201/204
series intercom’s IP address in the text box, click the
Add button. Repeat this process for each intercom
to be covered by this console.
• For automatic entry, click the Scan button. The
console checks the network for IPI-enabled MLC
and IPI 201/204 series units that are turned on
and connected to the network. As shown in the
following example, it adds the name and IP address
of every connected unit to the list.
To remove specic units from the list, click on the
device’s name and press the keyboard’s Delete key.