
Operation, cont’d
IN1404XT Video Scaler and Switcher • Operation3-32
Problem Possible cause Solution
The on-screen menu Input 4 is set for Select a different input. If
does not appear passive (unscaled). necessary to configure input 4,
select Input>Signal Format to
reconfigure input 4 to a scaled
The image is The input signal format Select Input>Signal Format and
scrambled. is incorrect. verify that the input format is set
The output signal is Use the power up shortcuts to
incompatible. select an output rate that is
compatible with the display.
The image is The input mode may Select Input>Advanced>Input
scrambled (cont’d). have been changed Mode>Redetect Now.
with Lockout Changes
The image is stretched Total pixels may be set Select Input>Advanced>Total
horizontally. too high. Pixels and reduce the setting to
match the input signal.
Active pixels may be Select Input>Advanced>Active
set too low. Area and increase the setting to
match the input signal.
Output resolution may Select Output>Resolution and
be too low. increase the resolution to a value
greater than the input active area.
The image is Total pixels may be set Select Input>Advanced>Total
compressed too low. Pixels and increase the setting to
horizontally. match the input signal.
Active pixels may be Select Input>Advanced>Active
set too high. Area and reduce the setting to
match the input signal.
The image is stretched Active lines may be Select Input>Advanced>Active
vertically set too low. Area and increase the setting to
match the input signal.
Output resolution may Select Output>Resolution and
be too low. increase the resolution to a value
greater than the input active area.
The image is Active lines may be Select Input>Advanced>Active
compressed vertically. set too high. Area and reduce the setting to
match the input signal.
The image is cropped Input horizontal Select Input>Advanced>
on the left. blanking may be set too H. Blanking and reduce the setting
high. to match the input signal.
Horizontal position Increase the horizontal position
may be set too far to setting.
the left.
Display may be set Use the blue screen and the
incorrectly. display’s position or size controls
to fit the image on the display.