
Password Information
The ] Password: prompt requires a password (administrator level or user level) followed
by a carriage return. The prompt is repeated if the correct password is not entered.
If the correct password is entered, the unit responds with ] Login Administrator ]
or ] Login User ], depending on password entered. If passwords are the same for
both administrator and user, the unit defaults to administrator privileges.
Error Responses
When the DVS 605 receives a valid command, it executes the command and sends a
response to the host device. If the unit is unable to execute the command because the
command contains invalid parameters, it returns an error response to the host.
Error Numbers
E01 — Invalid input number E17 — Invalid command for signal type
E06 — Invalid switch attempt in this mode E22 — Busy
E10 — Invalid command E24 — Privilege violation
E11 — Invalid preset number E25 — Device not present
E12 — Invalid port number E26 — Maximum number of
connections exceeded
E13 — Invalid parameter E28 — Bad lename/le not found
E14 — Not valid for this conguration
Error Response References
= Commands that give an E14 (invalid command for this conguration) error if sent
to a product whose current configuration does not support the command
= Commands that give an E24 (privilege violation) error if not administrator level
= Commands that may give an E28 (le not found) error
Commands and Responses
Using the Command and Response Tables
The command and response table for SIS commands later in this chapter lists the
commands that the DVS 605 scaler recognizes as valid, the responses that are returned
to the host, a description of the command’s function or the results of executing the
command, and an example of each command in ASCII (Telnet) and URL encoded (web).
NOTE: Upper and lower case text can be used interchangeably.
ASCII to HEX Conversion Table
Figure 28. ASCII to Hexadecimal Character Conversion Table
DVS 605 • SIS Communication and Control 28