2-19DVS 406 • Installation and Operation
IR 901 Infrared Remote Control
The optional IR 901, shown at right, replicates all
of the front panel controls except the Menu and
Next buttons. Unless front panel lock mode is
enabled, adjustments can be made from the IR 901,
but you must use the DVS 406’s front panel or the
Windows-based control program (via an RS-232
device) to configure and program the scaler. See
chapter three, “Serial Communication”, for details.
The topmost part of the IR 901 features three
Aspect Ratio Preset buttons, a Freeze button, the
six input selection buttons, and the Take button.
The middle portion of the IR 901 features the size
and centering buttons. The bottom part contains
the adjustment controls for color, tint, brightness,
contrast, detail, and sharpness adjustments. The
adjustment functions will be disabled if the front
panel lock mode is on.
Selecting an input
To use the IR 901 to select an input, press the input
number. When selecting a subsequent input, select
the input, then press the Take key. For example, if
input 1 is currently selected, but input 2 is desired,
press the input 2 button, then press Take. The
DVS 406 will switch to input 2.
Freezing an input
To freeze the input being displayed, press the
Freeze On/Off key. To unfreeze the input, press
the Freeze key again.
Selecting a preset
Any saved memory presets for an input (up to three) may be recalled by pressing
one of the three Aspect Ratio Preset buttons. Sizing and centering information
are saved with the presets. See “Memory Presets” previously mentioned in this