Installation and Operation, cont’d
DVS 304 • Installation and Operation
Picture-in-picture mode
The DVS 304 can display two image sources on the screen simultaneously. Keep
in mind that when using the PIP feature, one image source must be low-resolution
(composite, S-video, YUVi and RGBcvS) video, while the other must be high
resolution (YUVp, RGB scaled) video. If these conditions are not met (i.e., two low
resolution video inputs or two high resolution inputs are selected), the PIP mode
will quit.
To go into Picture-in-picture mode, do the following:
1. Select an input for the main window.
2. Define the size of the main window before starting PIP mode.
For quick sizing setup, use the 16*# X10% SIS command to set different sizes for
the PIP window.
3. Activate the PIP mode via an SIS command or IR remote; specify the PIP
window input.
DVS 304 checks the input format for the PIP window and returns an error message
if an invalid selection is made.
When the PIP mode is active, note the following:
• TheLEDforthemainwindowinputisON.
• TheparametersofthePIPwindowareadjustablefromthefrontpanelorby
SIS commands only.
• Anychangeinconguration(exceptpositioning)ofthePIPwindowissaved
to that input even after the PIP mode is not longer active.
• ThePIPwindowinputislistedunderthedefaultcycleonfrontpanelmenu,
as shown below.
Default Cycle
2 sec.
2 sec.
1024 x 768@60
2 sec.
Figure 2-18 — The PIP sequence
If the PIP window source is out, the PIP mode exits until an active signal is
detected. When the main window source is removed, a black background
Changing the input
To change the input for the PIP and/or main window, determine if the
corresponding input is a low or high resolution.
If your main window image is from a low resolution source, switch to another low
resolution input from the front panel. In this case, the PIP window retains its high
When the PIP window is active, size, position, and picture controls all apply to the
PIP window. The main window settings cannot be modified while the PIP window
is active. The PIP size and position can be adjusted with the same front panel
controls or SIS commands used to adjust the main image.