Installation and Operation, cont’d
DVS 204 • Installation and Operation2-18
3. Rotate the Adjust horizontal knob ( ) or Adjust vertical knob ( ) to select a
level from the following adjustment ranges:
The Adjust knobs have no mechanical limits to their rotation.
• Color and Tint (Col/Tnt): 0 to 255 (see note below)
• Brightness and Contrast (Brt/Cont): 0 to 255
• Centering (Center): 0 to 255
• Sizing (Size)
Rotating the horizontal Adjustment knob (
) clockwise or
counterclockwise will increase or decrease, respectively, the horizontal
sizing. Rotating the vertical Adjustment knob (
) clockwise or
counterclockwise will increase or decrease, respectively, the vertical
sizing. The visual indicator on the LCD will stop moving when the
upper or lower sizing limit has been reached.
The scaler will time-out to the default menu after 10 seconds.
4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 for each image adjustment to be made for that input.
The LCD display will indicate that a Tint adjustment is not available (N/A)
for Input 2 (component) or Input 4 (RGB, RGBS, RGBcvS).
Input Reset
Each input of the DVS 204 scaler can be reset to its default centering and sizing
values by holding down the specific input button until the Input # Reset message
is displayed on the LCD screen.
System Reset
The DVS 204 can be reset to all of its default values by holding down the Input 1
button while simultaneously plugging in the power cord. The System Reset
message will be displayed on the LCD screen.