X^ = Pixel phase — 0 to 63 (default = 31)
X& = Total pixels — (±512 of the default value)
X* = Active pixels — (±512 of the default value)
X( = Active lines — (±512 of the default value)
X1) = Off/disable (0) or on/enable (1)
X1! = Input standard:
0 = No signal 3 = SECAM
1 = NTSC - = N/A (when input is set to a high resolution signal format)
2 = PAL
X1@ = Internal temperature (in degrees Celsius)
X1# = Horizontal and vertical frequencies (format is three digit with single decimal
and leading zeros for example, 075.3)
X1$ = Text label – up to 16 characters
NOTE: User and input presets saved without a name will be saved with default “USER
PRESET 005”.
X1% = Picture adjustment — 0 to 127 (default 64)- (Three digit response – 0 padding)
X1^ = H or V position (range -11000 to +11000)
X1& = H or V size (range 10 to 11000)
X1* = Text string up to 32 characters drawn from the alphabet (A-Z), digits (0-9), minus
sign/hyphen (-). No blank or space characters are permitted as part of a name.
No distinction is made between upper and lower case. The first character must be
an alpha character. The last character must not be a minus sign/hyphen
X2) = Test patterns:
0 = off (default) 8 = ramp
1 = Crop 9 = white field
2 = alternating lines 10 = 1.33 aspect ratio
3 = alternating pixels 11 = 1.78 aspect ratio
4 = crosshatch 12 = 1.85 aspect ratio
5 = 4x4 crosshatch 13 = 2.35 aspect ratio
6 = color bars 14 = blue mode
7 = grayscale
Annotator 300 • SIS Communication and Control 35