CHAPTER 2 Upgrading to version 2.2
Upgrade Guide 17
• Generate Java Files and use the default directory
• Compile Java Stubs
• Generate Skeletons and use the default directory
• Compile Java Skeletons and use the default directory
• Leave everything else as default
3 Click Generate.
4 After the code generates successfully, click OK to return to Jaguar
❖ Generating PatriotAct stubs and skeletons
1 Right-click on the PatriotAct component, choose Generate
2 When the Generate Stubs and Skeletons dialog appears, choose the
following options:
• Generate Stubs
• Generate Java Stubs and choose EJB from the drop down box
• Generate Java Files and use the default directory
• Compile Java Stubs
• Generate Skeletons and use the default directory
• Compile Java Skeletons and use the default directory
• Leave everything else as default
3 Click Generate.
4 After the code generates successfully, click OK to return to Jaguar
Updating the filter properties file
Add the following settings into the existing Filter.properties file in
%JAGUAR%\bin (Windows) or $JAGUAR/bin (Solaris):
select_preMatchStopWords = select word from
PatStopWords where is_active = 1