
Chapter 5
86 / iAnywhere Solutions, Inc.
2. Double-click Fully Defined Options.
The filter configuration document changes to edit mode.
The filter configuration document becomes a full options filter
template. Any configuration document for an Address Book filter
has the same general layout. The default settings for the
My Personal Address Book filter are shown in Figure 5-6, “Address
Book-specific filter settings” (page 85).
3. Make changes as necessary to the Address Book Configuration sec-
tion, which contains these device-specific fields.
Address: To enable using a business address, check the Use
business address box, then enter the business address in the field
to the right.
Map Business to custom field: Select the field to which the
business address should be mapped when the personal address is
assigned as the primary key; options are Custom 1, Custom 2,
Custom 3, or Custom 4. Select No Mapping to retain the business
address as the primary key.
Custom Field Mapping section (Palm only)
4. Leave this section as is, unless you are a Lotus Notes expert.
See “Making changes to Custom Field Mapping” (page 75) for an
explanation of this advanced feature.
Note The next step is very important to be sure that all of your changes
are recognized.
5. Click Save Filter.
Pylon saves your changes. The change to your sync options will
occur the next time you sync your device.
Continue with “Accessing Pylon on your Pocket PC OS device”
(page 98) or “Accessing Pylon on your Palm OS device” (page 112).
Making To Do List-specific changes to a sync filter
To Do List filters have To Do List Configuration and Custom Field
Mapping sections that are specific to the To Do List application.
F i g u r e 5 - 7
To Do List-specific
filter settings